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From recent period, Microsoft is planning to take step towards Linux by releasing its Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser.
Microsoft Chromium based Edge browser already running on many flavors of Windows, like Windows 7 up-to Windows 10, but now Microsoft is planning to span its area by providing Chromium based Edge browser to Linux as well as Mac.
Microsoft's Edge is ready to come with dark mode and a set of exciting features to Linux.
Announcing the news during its “State of the Browser” session (around the 8min 24 mark) at the Ignite 2019 conference in Orlando, USA, Microsoft say that Edge for Linux will be out next year.
According to some rumors Microsoft edge is ready to launch for Linux on January 15, 2020. But personally I would not recommend to rely on these rumors because Microsoft haven't released any official release date for its Chromium based Microsoft Edge browser.
For Microsoft's Chromium based Edge browser it will be very difficult to sustain in a very tight competition because there are already many browser presents which are running on Chromium open source such as Google Chrome, Opera, Yandex(Russia) and SRWare Iron.
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