After a long time, Telegram launches a one-on-one video call on its app in Android and iOS. Four years after the introduction of voice calls, Telegram is about to add a new feature to its messaging service: video calling, telegram video call 2020. According to Telegram, 2020 had highlighted the need for face-to-face communication.
“Our apps for Android and iOS have reproducible builds, so anyone can verify encryption and confirm that their app uses the exact same open source code that we publish with each update,” according to the post.
Telegram video call offers the same features as another video call platform provides to the users.
- Picture-in-Picture mode.
- End-to-End encryption.
- On-screen button to switch between front and rear camera.
- Video toggle.
- Mute and close button.
How to start a Video call
If you want to start a one-on-one video call to another user, then you have to follow the below steps.
- Tap the point button (the upper right corner).
- Choose between a regular call or video call.
The Telegram stated that later this year, they would add a feature of group video calls.
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